How to create and earn money by starting your YouTube Channel

In order to start a YouTube channel, first of all you need a Gmail id. You can go to and get an ID. 

Once you have you Gmail ID then go to and create a channel. Choose the name that is easy to remember or related to your interest. You can go directly to and create a channel. 

Once channel is set up and click your id in YouTube. It will give you two tabs: One for "customize channel" and other for other for "manage videos". 

 Click customize channel and then setting where you will set up your preference for monetizing currency, country of residence and category, title and customize search tags. This section very import how YouTube will lead to search optimization of your videos. 

 In second tab "Manage videos", you create videos or load videos or edit your videos. Always create a short relevant title, detailed description of videos and add relevant tags. 

How to earn by monetizing Channel? 
 1. You need 1000 subscribers 
2. You need 4000 watch time hours.  

Once you have achieved those two milestones then you can apply to YouTube for monetizing. Good luck on your new journey.


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